Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fourteenth Pick Up Is Today 9.22.2009

Hello Everyone,

Don't forget to pick up your vegetables *and fruit* this afternoon from 4:30 until 6:30 at your respective pick up location. This week we're including lots of apples so a bit about what to do with them- eat them of course but also consider refrigerating them. They will hold longer that way. Consider a baking project or making applesauce to eat this winter. There are recipes below.

When I was younger my family would visit my maternal grandparents in Philadelphia a few times each year. The evening meal was always a big deal and almost always it started with a plate of raw carrots, celery and radishes. My grandmother was a good cook and I remember that the meals were always very good but I don't remember specific dishes she served as much as I remember eating off of the plate of raw vegetables- the crack of the carrot as I broke it in two before eating it, the strings of the celery that would get stuck in my teeth and that curious moment after biting into a radish waiting to see how spicy it would be. This week we have beautiful radishes included in your containers. If you think you don't like radishes I implore you, try them again. Maybe raw with a sprinkle of salt or try the recipes below.

The first annual Charlotte Regional Farm Tour was a success. Thanks to everyone who helped and to everyone who attended. Apparently about 500 people participated and the rain held off.

Speaking of rain, thanks for the rain dancing last week. We got about 2 inches at the farm which was just what we needed. It meant we didn't get much transplanted last week because the fields were too wet to work but the plants already in the field really needed it.

The high tunnel at the Elma C. Lomax Incubator Farm is partial complete. A picture is above. This Saturday volunteers are needed to help try and get the rest of it erected. Let me know if any of you are interested. 704/305.6654

Here's a question, would everyone be willing to pick up your last two containers at the farm instead of downtown at Two Leaves and a Bud? The farm is only 5.5 miles from downtown Concord and we're hoping to give everyone a chance to see the Lomax Incubator Farm before our 2009 CSA program ends for this year. I thought I'd ask to see how many of you would be willing to make the trip for the last couple of pick ups.

This week:

Sweet Peppers (red and green)
Hot Peppers
Chery Tomatoes

Have a good week.



Mom's Apple Cake
(Seriously, my mom's apple cake)

4 eggs
2 c. sugar
1 c. oil or Crisco
½ c. orange juice
2 ½ tsp. Vanilla
3 c. flour
3 tsp. Baking powder
1 tsp. Salt

Mix Together
3-4 apples – thin slices
4 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon

Mix ingredients well. Pour ½ batter into pans.
Mix apple mixture – stir into batter – pour
remaining batter into pan.

Sprinkle top with sugar & cinnamon if desired.

Bake: 1 ½ hr. at 350 degrees (tube pan)
1 hr. at 350 degrees (in 2 loaf pans)
(I use small loaf pans and get approximately 4 cakes
per recipe – they freeze well!)

Broiled Okra
(from Dean Mullis at Laughing Owl)

Coat pods of okra with olive oil and sea salt and toss them into the broiler pan of your toaster oven at 350-400 degrees . Take them out when you smell smoke or 10-15 minutes later. Let them cool and dip in mustard. Awesome.

Radish Crisps

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Slice radishes into very thin chips and spread on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with olive oil.
Lightly mist radish slices with oil and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. (if using other seasonings, now is the time to add them).
Bake for 10 minutes, flip, and bake for another 5-10 minutes or until crisp. Time may vary so watch these after flipping.

Baked Radishes

1/2 lb radishes, cut in half
1 tbl Honey
1 tbl butter
1 dsh cinnamon

Steam radishes for 5 minutes; drain and arrange in a shallow baking dish.
Combine honey, butter and cinnamon in a small saucepan to make a glaze. Pour over radishes and bake uncovered at 350 until tender, about 30 minutes.

Directions for making apple sauce and canning it!


Another great link from Molly


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