Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CSA Update

We're accepting new members through the middle of April even as we start planting. Garlic, potatoes, onions, radishes, carrots and beets have already been planted and seedlings for summer vegetables have been started in the greenhouse. Spring is right around the corner. Sign up now!

The open line of communication between the CSA farmers growing food and the members buying it directly helps to make this program work so please feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.

You can email:


Or call Aaron:


A few changes have already been suggested:

1. If 5 or more members can agree on an alternative drop off location within a reasonable distance we will make a weekly delivery to that location at a specific time each Tuesday during the season. There is already one such drop off location planned - Two Leaves and a Bud, the wonderful tea shop in downtown Concord run by Molly Reese (CSA member) and Lina Gibson.

2. Weekly deliveries will be available to individual members for a fee of $10/week (as long as you don't live in Fayetteville).

3. A blog with updated information about the CSA program has already been started. You know this because you're reading it. Hopefully this blog will transition into a full blown website to better help farmers and members keep in contact. Bookmark us and let us know what features you'd like to see in a website.

4. Several of you have express interest in meat, eggs and dairy as well as vegetables. We won't be producing any of that ourselves (OK we are going to raise some chickens as an experiment this year) but we do have relationships with people providing those foods locally. We may even have a line on fresh seafood from Charleston. Please let us know if you'd be interested in any of that in addition to your CSA vegetables and I'll start to form a plan for expanding what's available to our members.

We're excited about this new season and our young CSA program. Thanks for considering us.

Best Wishes,


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